The market is filled with several types of baby chairs, from feeding to rocking chairs.

Baby chairs offer several benefits to your baby, such as soothing them, providing comfy seats, and ensuring entertainment under safe conditions. You can also get an advantage from various types of baby chairs to get some hands back time.

If you are searching for the best chairs for newborns to entertain and soothe them, we have enlisted all the common types available in the market and also described some factors to consider when picking a chair.

What Are The Types of Baby Chairs? - Ten Baby Chairs

With time, babies develop special needs for feeding, sitting, and strolling. The first thing that comes to mind is proper seating for them to avoid any risk. If you need clarification about which type of baby chair you should select, look at the list below and pick one according to the growth level of your little one.

Baby Feeding Chair

 Baby Feeding Chair

Baby feeding chairs are commonly found in every home and include a table to place a food bowl, glass, and spoons easily. Some feeding chairs have wheels to allow strolling all around the home, while you can also find ones without wheels.

These chairs offer pleasure during meals and other enjoyable activities.

Baby Bathing Chair

A bath chair ensures safety while bathing a baby. It is similar to the rocking chair, which keeps the baby happy during the bath instead of crying. You can easily place this chair near the sink over the counters.

Baby Swing Chair

A swing baby chair is one of the best things you must have for your baby. The firm structure remains intact during swings and doesn’t go over the limited height to scare your baby. You can place a swing chair in your garden and let your baby enjoy and have fun with some engaging activities.

Baby High Chair

Baby High Chair

If your baby has grown 4 to 6 months old, it’d be easier to sit upright without any support. At this stage, you can use a high chair for the baby or when you notice that the baby can hold its head up. You will get some hand-free time during their meals and to do house chores. But there are some safety tips you must consider, such as:

  • Use a strap to hold the baby still.
  • Thoroughly inspect the chair before use to ensure all parts are fixed.
  • For a locking chair, make sure the locking system is secure when you unlock the chair.
  • Never keep the baby's high chair out of sight.

Sitting Chair for Baby

Babies over eight months to 1 year old can easily sit on baby chairs. These chairs have 28 cm in width and 15 inches in length, but this can vary. You do not need to worry about breaking these chairs as they can easily bear 900 g or more weight.

You can find these chairs in the market in brilliant and bold colors with sturdy plastic material.

Rocking Baby Chair

Rocking Baby Chair

Rocking chairs are of varying types where your baby can sit or lie down to sleep. Their construction is made of sturdy plastic or metal, which lasts long and requires minimum maintenance.

It is easy to bring this chair anywhere by dismantling and folding its components. Your baby will get undisturbed long hours of sleep.


High chairs and strollers are the main chairs people prefer buying for their babies. Being a parent, the convenience you get from strollers is unmatchable with any other chair type. You can go shopping, walk in the park and do indoor activities without worrying about your baby.

Strollers are expensive, so you must buy them for longer until your baby starts walking.

Toilet Chair

This critical chair type is different from others and is considered a toilet training seat. Using this chair, you can train your baby to learn how to use a toilet booster seat. These chairs are specially built to ensure the safety of babies.

Baby Travel Chair

While your baby may feel safe and comfy at home with you, what about traveling? It gets hard to carry the baby for longer during hours of journey, and the baby can also feel tired and uncomfortable. So a travel chair that you can easily fit inside a luggage bag will be a wise investment.

These chairs are also good for babies on campsites, hikes, and parks. As these chairs are built to use outdoors, you will find no fault in their strength, heat, and water-resisting abilities.

Beach Baby Chair

A beach chair with an umbrella attached is perfect for keeping your baby happy but protected from sun rays. These chairs include lots of spaces to keep baby stuff along with seats. If you often go to the beach with your family, this chair will be ideal for your baby.

Among all these types of baby chairs, you can choose one or more suitable for your newborn or grown baby. However, keeping safety measures in check is essential for each type of seating.

What Are The Best Chairs For Newborns

Newborns require more safety and attention. With all the great options for baby chairs, the baby bouncer chair is perfect for newborns. These chairs do provide not only support but also soothe your baby. It is considered the best type of chair for infants.

Some other types include upseat baby chairs, comfort baby chairs, and cradle baby chairs. You can use other than these types of chairs but remember to consider the age and condition of the baby. Too high chairs aren’t safe for infants; you should use floor or low-height chairs.

What Are The Best Chairs For Newborns

What Things to Consider Choosing the Right Types of Baby Chairs

Durability - A strong chair must withstand the baby's weight. Most chairs are made of plastic, and you must ensure that plastic is durable.

Cleaning Needs - Cleaning is important as babies can drool and spit up more often. So make sure to choose such chairs with smooth surfaced trays that can be cleaned easily.

Safety Features - A safe baby seat must have a flat surface with wide bottoms to allow easy leaning. There should be equal balance and a place to spread legs. An arm support feature is also necessary to keep the baby's arms safe from getting caught in the chair.

Fun Accessories - You may not want your baby to get bored sitting idle in the chair. Add fun to the chair by attaching colorful and interesting toys to keep your little one busy.

Wrapping Up

You might be surprised by these diverse types of baby chairs as not all have heard about each chair. But considering the age and needs of your baby, you can pick any chair. Don’t forget; there is no need to buy all baby chairs at once. Rather you can try different baby chairs at different levels of their age.

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